I am sure you can imagine how crazy it is to get 5 children fed, dressed, hair combed (is that really necessary anyway), ready to get out the door no later than 8 am! It's a miracle I tell ya! It probably helps that we usually keep the car stocked with granola bars, extra socks, brush, and some makeup (for Momma). Anyhow I digress...

7:30 - Breakfast, usually a hot one, because we are home most of the morning. The kids are a great help in the kitchen, and enjoys cooking so we try to give them some time to fulfill that passion. Bacon and eggs, and a some fresh bread this morning.
8:00 - Time to clean up food is all over the floor, and we no longer have a dog to clean it up :( Throw on some music, and dance our way through clean up time or...try to dance our way through clean up time, and the kids get completely distracted with my AMAZING dance moves, and move to having their own dance party (trying to avoid school), and leave me to finish cleaning on my own.
8;30 - Tell everyone to go get dressed. Just have some cloths on I don't care what it is, unless your name is Aleah, or Scarlet, those two need to look half way presentable for preschool.
9:15 - Assign everyone to their school work that can be done without Moms help. I need a little time to get ready too!
9:30 - Get Aleah on the bus, try to stop the goat from getting on the bus too (which has happened before). We get all Mary had a little goat up in here.

9:35 - Math help. In my mind my kids line up quietly in the "question chair" and wait their turn for me to help them, however that is not what that looks like. Usually the Kinder, and the 2nd grade are clamoring for my attention, and I spend the next 30 min to an hour fielding questions, reading story problems, and trying to finish at least 1 lesson of math per child. Thank goodness for Teaching Textbooks for my 5th grader, because I don't have to do a lot of teaching. It's not a fully hands off program like a tutor, but it does free me up a bit to work with the youngers.
10:00 - Soren has an online tutor that does a weekly reading lesson with him at this time. We hop onto the Zoom meeting, and close him in my room so he has some sort of quiet. HA! Yes I just said quiet.
10:30 - Snack, because of course everyone is starving, About this time everyone is just about done, and in need of a "brain break". A teacher friend introduced me to www.gonoodle.com and the kids (and me) love it. We usually do 2-3 brain break activities on there, and then get back to work.
10:40 - Arabella - Explode the Code online, Soren - Read Naturally online. I cannot recommend this program enough, it's been a HUGE help for a child who has had a very difficult time learning to read. Aiden - Practice Violin.
11:10 - SWITCH! It feels like we've already ran a marathon, and it's only just past 11 am. Time for me to do a reading lesson with Arabella, Soren - moves to practice his violin, and Aiden moves to either cursive penmenship, or making charts for grammar.
11:45 - Lunch time. Hurry up and find something that I can throw together quickly for some sort of healthy lunch. Everyone thinks they are going to starve ( including me), and I need to make it fast because it's almost time for Scarlet to get on the bus for her turn at the other preschool.
12:15 - Final touches on Scarlet. Don't forget to make sure she has matching shoes on! Other kids at home clean up from lunch.
12:30 - Get Scarlet on the bus, again try to distract the goat from getting on the bus.
12:35 - Classical Conversations review time. We review History, English grammar, Geography, Timeline, Latin, Math, and Science.
12:55 - Get Aleah off the bus, feed her, clean up (again...)
1:15 - Assign everyone a room to go to for quiet time. IF the sun is actually shining we may skip quiet time, and go outside. If not it's time for either 1 hour of reading, and or audio books. Mom's time for a good book, or a little Pinterest too!
2:15 - Everyone is allowed to get up (if awake). Snack time. Start thinking about what I'm going to make for dinner, and try to remember to pull meat out of the freezer. I've been married for 13 year and I still don't seem to have that task down very well.

3:00 - Outside chores, and indoor chores. Hopefully school work is done -( today it was, it was a good day). Everyone was on it today, and wanted some time to enjoy the sun, and everyone finished their work on time. YAY!
3:10 - Feed chickens, feed and water rabbit, cats, and goat. Sweep porches, clean up any toys, dishes etc. before dinner.
3:45 - Wave to the bus, welcome Scarlet home.
3:50 - One more snack...Thankful my kids are pretty good eaters, and are good at helping themselves to a piece of fruit, carrots, or celery.
4:00 - Caseworker visit
4:00 - Teach visit
4:05 - Neighbor son comes to play. Our house had a revolving door around 4 o'clock today. Yikes!
4:45 - Start dinner. We have AWANAS tonight so earlier dinner time is necessary
5:30 - Dinner time..
5:35 - Leave it all on the table..apparently I've allowed to many snacks today. I forgot the meat so we had breakfast. Pancakes are on the table off of their plates, sausage on the floor (once again no dog to clean it up), and eggs half eaten. Oh well we have memory verses to practice, and make sure we don't have any melt downs because they couldn't get their next jewel, or badge.
5:55 - Clean up (again...) wipe sticky faces, finalize those memory verses one more time, find matching shoes and gather books, and vests.
6:15 - We're in the car. I repeat myself at least 10 times. YES children it's only 3 houses down but you do need to be in your seats, no you can't sit on my lap, and YES you do need to buckle up.
6:30 - Check in at AWANAS
6:45 - Time for a Costco run. It's our home away from home, and a cheap date night.
8:30 - Pick up kids from AWANAS
8:36 - Home. Already told the kids in the 30 second car ride home, when we get home it's time to put on p.j's, brush teeth and wash faces.
8:55 - Time for vitamins, and bedtime Bible and prayers.
9:00 - Everyone is in their rooms in their bed
9:01 - Everyone is either in someone elses bed, or coming back downstairs. Half of them forgot to go potty of course.
9:40 - Drinks, 5th potty time, and the right blankets are now on every ones bed, and it's lights out.
9:50 - I still hear sounds, that equal the fact that they are not yet sleeping. Whatever...they are in their rooms, and settling down at least :)
10:00 - Pick up from dinner
10:30 - Finish blog
10:45 - Bedtime.