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Precious inspiration. Scarlet and Arabella (Easter 2013) |
The title name of our blog.A few months ago, when we decided to start potty training the "twins" Jim was helping me with the laundry. It had just been one of those week. You all know what I mean. One of those weeks, that as much as you are trying to see the positive, and reminding yourself that your kids grow up entirely too fast, you just cant wait for them to be 25 already. It was just one of those weeks! Anyhow my darling husband decided to help me get caught up on the laundry being that it suddenly exploded because of the millionth blanket load we had to do that week due to poo. Upon pulling the girls blankets from the drying and flipping them out to fold. Low and behold a perfectly in tact poo rolls right out of their quilts! My husband yells IS THAT POO! Sure enough it was poo, and no small amount either. Then an
Anyhow, at church just a couple of days later I was lamenting over my week with my dear friend Lauren. I was telling her about the "turd in the dryer". She said that's it! If you do decided to write a book someday that must be the title! Hence the name for our blog. Thank you my dear friend for being so witty, and inspirational! What would we do without you!
We have had many a poo story over these last few months. Can you relate? Mother of small children, please say yes! My darling girls have decided that it's necessarily to wait until whatever time they go down for their naps to poo. They then decide, or maybe suddenly remember that they are supposed to be napping, so they don't leave their room. They take it upon their 2 year old little selves to try to change their diapers and wipe their little bums. Meanwhile they apparently are not aware of the poo smear happening all around them! Much to my dismay when entering their room either upon the smell wafting out the door, or due to their not so quiet giggles, I find poo!!! Poo on the walls, poo on the beds/sheets/, poo on the carpet, everywhere is POO! We are not talking about the cute little fuzzy yellow bear, oh no - if only life could be so sweet.
I finally decided to place the girls in separate beds for nap time, and place them in panties. I was starting to become hopeless. Thinking we would never have a clean surface from poo again. But amazingly putting them in panties seems to have done the trick! I'm baffled honestly. If they think they need to, they actually leave their rooms to go to the potty. I think we finally may have moved passed painting with poo. But...we have now moved to markers and nail polish! YIKES! I decided to Google "turds in the dryer" just because I'm just like that. And, apparently it's happened to many people. Of course if you have small children, and you have never ended up with a few bits of feces in your dryer I would have to question if your children were really real! haha. Anyhow, I suppose that is enough Poo talk. But at least now you know where the title for our blog came from.
We will have many things to discuss, and share with you about our personal life adventures. We have been touched by some deep topics that stir much emotion. I hope that you will feel free to laugh with us, and cry with us. We'll talk about our love of Jesus, our marriage, infertility and adoption. Our wonderful family, cross country moves, our animals (there are a lot of them!), homeschooling, and a possible guest post once in a while by the MR (you can guess what that will be, anything from rap music, to accounting!), and just our boring, or not so boring daily lives. I think this will be a fun way for us to chronicle our life events. Much like a public diary. I hope someday when our memories start to fade that it will serve as a reminder of how blessed we have been.
My email signature is a quote by Soren Kierkegarrd. "Life can only be understood backwards but, must be lived forwards". We take each step by faith, knowing that God is in control. My prayer is that even though we don't always understand the why of what may be happening right now, I would hope that we will be able to see the bigger picture when we get there.
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