Thursday, April 25, 2013


I suppose you read the title "Overwhelmed" and had the immediate feeling like "oh yeah I can relate" or "that is right where I am right now". Sometimes I have the habit of biting off more than I can chew, how many of you can relate to that?! Just about everyone I know I'm sure. Especially all you wonderful mothers. Currently My wonderful hubby and I are trying to raise 4 beautiful children, and yes I say trying because this whole parenting gig DID NOT come with any kind of handbook! Parenting alone is more than a full time job in itself. We are also trying to do every day life. We are trying to build a new chicken coop and run, tearing down and setting up a new pool, play dates, support groups, homeschool, church groups, friendships, tutoring, music lessons, birth parent relationships, and oh yeah our marriage we can't forget about that one! Sound familiar yet...? I'm currently reading a book "When Sinners Say I Do" by Dave Harvey. I can't recommend this book enough, though I'm only about 1/2 way through. Not only do the principles apply to your marriage but, life in general. Until we realize that we are sinners first we can't do anything well. In parenting AND in marriage it's so easy to get upset over the small things. Spilled drinks, toys left out, spouses forgetting a special day. We are so easily overwhelmed, have our feelings hurt, snap and yell at one another before we can even take a second to think about the fact that we are sinners too! We place blame and get irritated before we give grace, at least I know I do.

One of the reasons I chose to write about this post, is that I don't feel like I'm doing it all very well lately. We have chosen to teach our sweet children by home schooling them, but also by using a classical model of teaching. In using the classical methods or goal is to ultimately teach our children to retain information and be able to teach what they have learned to teach someone else someday. Not only for them to be able to teach it someone else but to be able to teach it well. I could probably teach you how to sew but...I could not teach you how to sew well. Anyhow before I get going on that tangent. I have been reminded that I can do a lot of things, and I can make sure that I have enough time to get them all in, I doing them well, is the question. The obvious answer is no I am not. 

I am being reminded by 4 beautiful little faces that I need to re-prioritize. Is having a clean house, or a well manicured lawn more important than jumping on the trampoline with my children? Is having the laundry all folded and put away more important than allowing them to snuggle up on my lap for me to spend time reading to them? Is having a clean kitchen before dinner is on the table more important than even getting dinner on the table? Often times in the moment I am choosing the less important things. I have to remember that, or remind myself rather, that home schooling my children is a privilege  that having ALL of my children is a blessing that should not be wasted. Even though the messes are here because of them it is not important, chores don't always get done, and chicken coops don't always get built in a timely manner. Time with them is more important, than anything. Taking the time to teach them along the way (even though it takes double the time) is more important than just getting it done!

This is the season of our lives right now. I am writing this as a reminder to myself that someday I will miss this season. I will miss not having toys to pick up, dirty dishes in the sink, and mounds of laundry to do! I will miss the time it took to teach our children how to build something new, or having them beg me to jump on the trampoline with them. I will miss all the things I am annoyed by now, and I will never have the chance to get back today. I have a picture in my home with the verse " Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest" ~ Matthew 11:28. Lord help me to commit this verse to memory. It has obviously struck a chord within me, as to have printed it and put in on the wall in my home. 

If anyone but me is reading my blog, I hope that this will encourage you too. Knowing that you are not alone in your feelings of being overwhelmed. Thank you Kittie Franz for reminding me my beautiful children are not an inconvenience  that they are a blessing that they are a human being, that they deserve all my love and more! More of these days, and less days of expecting perfection! More grace...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminder.. something I've mentioned Im working on. We are all a work in progress and my kids are teaching me that I dont have to be perfect in all things... just thier mommy and that is perfect to them..
